Court Availability Update.

USTA Leagues for Spring 2022

Due to the closing of Owl Creek Tennis Center in 2020, we have been using Lynnhaven Middle School and Bayville Farms Park tennis courts for most of our leagues matches. The largest facility is Lynnhaven Middle School (12 courts), so most of our matches have been scheduled there.

We have recently been informed that the club house at Bayville Farms Park is being torn down and rebuilt. During this time, the tennis courts will be available for WALK-ONS only.  Therefore Parks & Rec will not be allowing anyone to lease these courts, including the VBTPA.

To add to this, the Lynnhaven Middle School courts are going to be resurfaced this Spring. This is wonderful news, however, they will not be available until at least May 1st (and most likely, later).

The fact that we have lost ALL available courts was not the best news for us!!!

However, we have been researching every single option possible, and have had some really good results. Virginia Wesleyan University has agreed to lease courts, we can now use Kempsville Rec Center for some matches, some private clubs have graciously offered to help us out. In addition, for the first time since long before the pandemic, SOME of the Virginia Beach Public high school courts are becoming available.

We are really pleased with this outcome and thrilled that it will now be possible to offer all levels of 18 & over, USTA Adult League (coordinated by Karen Tucker, Virginia Beach Tennis Patrons) and 18 & over Mixed League (coordinated by Claudette Sealy) this spring.

Obviously, it will be necessary for league players to be flexible, as we do our best to make these transitions as seamless as possible.

We greatly appreciate your continued support of USTA leagues!